Home Football WWC: NFF says nothing to hide in FG approved $1.7m for Super Falcons

WWC: NFF says nothing to hide in FG approved $1.7m for Super Falcons

by Wale Gbadebo
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Super Falcons

Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has declared that it had nothing to hide in the $1.7 million approved by the Federal Government for Super Falcons’ participation in the ongoing Women’s World Cup holding in Australia and New Zealand.

However, a top official of the NFF said, that what the Federal Government approved was meant to cater for a number of things.

“The breakdown of all we asked from the Federal Government is there for everyone to see,” the official said, pleading anonymity. “At the initial stage, our request to the Federal Government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development captured winning bonuses for the players. But immediately FIFA came up with its $30,000 for the players, we wrote another letter to government to expunge the winning bonuses from the budget.

“Now, what we have in the breakdown is daily allowances for the players, winning bonuses and estacode for the coaches and other technical officials, as well as money for medical expenses. If there is serious medical issue concerning the players, it is the responsibility of FIFA to address it. But it is the duty of every federation to provide medicals for the players and their officials at any competition,” the official said.

In another development, NFF’s Secretary General, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi, has disclosed that the Federation’s decision to approve coach Randy Waldrum’s request for a fitness trainer has paid off for the Super Falcons at the World Cup.

Sanusi said: “The technical crew requested for a fitness trainer, and we approved it. They also brought one Video Analyst, Dr. Terry Eguaje, to this World Cup, and the decision is really helping the team. The players are very fit, and I can tell you that they are fully ready for Thursday’s second group match against Australia.”

After the first round of matches, the Super Falcons remain the only African team with a draw at the event.
Thursday’s encounter between the Super Falcons and the Matildas of Australia has assumed high importance for both teams following the declaration of Matildas’ defender, Charlie Grant, that the Aussies have a good idea of how to cage the Super Falcons.

Nigeria captain Onome Ebi said the nine-time African champions have no reason to reveal their strategy for the game, but they would certainly surprise the Matildas.

“It is interesting that they have an idea of how to play us. We also have our own idea of how to play them. It is a very crucial game for us and we will throw everything we have into it.”

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