The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Grassroots Sports Development.,Adeyinka Adeboye Zulu, expressed that President Tinubu is troubled by the suspicious circumstances of Abubakar Lawal’s death, emphasizing the need for complete transparency and a diligent investigation
“We call for an exhaustive inquiry; there should be no concealment of the truth. This is a deeply tragic situation,” he stated, affirming the Nigerian government’s dedication to ensuring a full and open investigation. He also offered condolences, wishing peace for the deceased’s soul and strength for his family during this challenging time.
The Kajjansi Police Division has begun looking into the circumstances of Lawal’s death. The professional footballer from Vipers Sports Club reportedly fell from the third floor of the Voicemall Shopping Arcade Uganda on February 24, 2025. Initial reports suggest that Lawal had gone to the mall to meet a friend, Tanzanian national Omary Naima, who had been staying there since February 20, 2025.
Naima stated that she left Lawal in their room preparing tea while she visited a gaming center in the mall. Shortly after, at around 8:00 am, Lawal is believed to have fallen from the balcony. He was transported to Entebbe Referral Hospital but was declared dead on arrival.
Authorities found two smartphones, shoes, headsets, a training kit, and chargers in a black backpack belonging to Lawal. Investigators are currently reviewing CCTV footage and conducting interviews to piece together the details of the incident.
This information was relayed by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu through the office of Senior Special Assistant Adeyinka Adeboye, who reiterated the commitment to uncovering the truth.