WORLD ATHLETICS: Race Emergency Medicine Courses For Race Medical Directors (Updates)

The Race Emergency Medicine Courses for race medical directors of World Athletics label races are finally back! After the prolonged stop imposed by the pandemic, we are now planning for a busy year of courses. These courses and activities are organized in partnership with the International Institute for Race Medicine – IIRM The World Athletics label system comprises three main medical requirements:


We took advantage of the stop caused by the pandemic to update the content and structure of the course, that now is based on three main phases:

  1. Theoretical, will be delivered through the new World Athletics online e-Learning platform
  2. Hands-on, will be delivered through in-person workshops organised in conjunction with major road races
  3. Volunteering, will take place on race day in the medical areas of the hosting road race, the day after the hands-on workshop.

It’s mandatory to complete each phase to advance to the next one. Let us also remind you that Medical Directors willing to act in such capacity at a World Athletics Label Road Race must have obtained the certification, this will remain valid for 2 years from the issuing date. Registration to the Race Emergency Medicine Courses is free of charge for Medical Directors of a World Athletics label road race and should be considered as part of the continuing medical education necessary to ensure the highest standards of care across all World Athletics label races. Courses are restricted to 30 participants per course.

The next courses will take place in:

  • 2-3 April – Milan, Italy – Milan Marathon
  • 16-17-18 April – Boston, USA – Boston Marathon
  • 8-9 October – Lisbon, Portugal – Lisbon Marathon and Half Marathon
  • 29-30 October – Washington D.C., USA – Marine Corps. Marathon
  • 2-3-4 December – Singapore, Singapore – Singapore Marathon
  • 16-17-18 December – Chonburi, Thailand – Bangsaen21 Half Marathon

Registrations are now open for the Milan and Boston events!

The Boston course will be opened by the IIRM-World Athletics 2022 Endurance Medicine Conference Series: Boston, a high level international conference (see program attached). Further information and the conference agenda can be found at:

Further information on the courses is available on the World Athletics website by clicking here or feel free to contact


As of 1st January 2021, Race Organisers and Race Medical Directors should comply with the recommendations outlined in the World Athletics Competition Medical Guidelines. These recommendations do not intend to substitute existing race medical manuals or official documents but should be regarded as a required minimum standard to apply to all races globally. The Guidelines should serve as a base document for race organisers and race medical directors to develop their own specific medical manual, in case they don’t already have one.

The World Athletics Health & Science team is available to support Race Organisers and Race Medical Directors in the development of the medical manual for their own event.

The World Athletics Competition Medical Guidelines can be found in the Health & Science digital library at:


As of 1st January 2021, Race Medical Directors of World Athletics label road races are required to submit the Race’s aggregated anonymous medical encounters data. The purpose of the data collection is to conduct epidemiological analysis and improve the knowledge of injury and illness prevention and management in endurance races.

Data should be provided using the form in Appendix 1 of the Competition Medical Guidelines that we are also sending attached. The aggregated data form should be sent no later than 30 days after the completion of the race to:


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