National SWAN condoles Ado Salisu over mother’s death

National SWAN condoles Ado Salisu over mother’s death

Despite the death of his mother recently, the former vice president Sports Writers Association North-West Zone Ado Salisu has shown dis-satisfaction on a publication in an online platform on the above subject matter.

In the same publication drawn from a statement purportedly issued by Mike Oboh, I was erroneously referred to as Acting President of SWAN.

I wish to state unequivocally that the said statement is suspicious and certainly the handiwork of those bent on destroying Sports writing vis-a-vis the Association and I hereby distance myself from such act

To the best of my knowledge, Mike Oboh is in the village following some health challenges and could not have issued such statement, even when he was unable to call and condole me over my mother’s death, neither has anybody particularly those who desperately wants SWAN factionalised called me.

I refused to henceforth allow myself to be part of anything that will destroy the Association we have all laboured to build.

Towards this end, I wish to state categorically that going forward, I support the leadership of SWAN under Sir Honour Sirawoo because together we stand, divided we fall.

I am committed to a virile Association and will going forward, do all it takes to support it.

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